SKF rolling bearing catalogue
Principles of SKF bearing selection and application
- Bearing basics
- Selectng bearing size
- Friction
- Speeds
- Bearing specifics
- Design considerations
- Lubrication
- Mounting, dismounting and bearing care
SKF product data
- Deep groove ball bearings
- Y-bearings (insert bearings)
- Angular contact ball bearings
- Self aligning ball bearings
- Cylindrical roller bearings
- Needle roller bearings
- Tapered roller bearings
- Spherical roller bearings
- CARB toroidal roller bearings
- Thrust ball bearings
- Cylindrical roller thrust bearings
- Needle roller thrust bearings
- Spherical roller thrust bearings
- Track runner bearings
- Engineered products
- Bearing accessories

SKF bearing catalogue contains the standard assortment of SKF rolling bearings typically used in industrial applications. To provide the highest levels of quality and customer service, these products are available worldwide through SKF sales channels.
The data in this catalogue reflect SKF’s state-of-the-art technology and production capabilities as of 2012. The data contained within may differ from that shown in earlier catalogues because of redesign, technological developments, or revised calculation methods. SKF reserves the right to continually improve its products with respect to materials, design and manufacturing methods, some of which are driven by technological developments.
This SKF bearing catalogue contains detailed information about standard SKF rolling bearings, several special engineered products and bearing accessories. Engineered products include motor encoder units, which can measure the speed and direction of rotation, polymer bearings and rolling bearings designed to fulfil additional requirements
How to use this SKF bearing catalogue
SKF rolling bearing catalogue is divided into two main section: a technical section and a product section. The technical section describes in detail how to select and apply SKF rolling bearings and covers eight main topics marked with printed tabs from A to H. The product section is divided into chapters by product type. Each chapter contains specific information about the SKF bearing type and its optional variants and product tables. Each product chapter is clearly marked by cut tabs with an easily identifiable icon.
A quick way to access detailed product data is via a product table number or via SKF bearing size chart. Product table numbers are listed in the table of contents at the front of the catalogue, in the table of contents at the start of each product chapter and in the product index at the back of the catalogue.